
32: Special Compilation Episode: Most Popular Interviews

Season #1

Today, we're doing something a little different. Over the past few months, we've had some amazing guests share their wisdom, personal stories, and strategies for navigating tough conversations. As we reach a new milestone and are completing season 1 of our podcast, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate and revisit together the most popular and impactful interviews from season one! And btw, we are already recording some new cool episodes for season two, so stay tuned!

In this compilation episode, you'll hear from:

  • Andrea Horton-MeriƧli, who shared about overcoming imposter syndrome, how do you find your own voice and find the confidence to be yourself
  • Steven Farber, where we discussed how knowing different personality styles can make any of your conversations more impactful and effective
  • Tiffany Teng, who explores how cultural and family backgrounds can shape the way we handle conflicts
  • Last but not least, with Tahi Matejko we will explore what you should do first before you even have the difficult conversation with your partner if you want to have a strong and good relationship with them

Do you have feedback? Tips what we could do in season two? Please let us know! 

Connect with us here: 

Email: [email protected]

Chris ā€“
Lucie ā€“

Want to be a guest on our podcast? Let us know.