
29 How Authenticity Can Give You Courage to Speak Up

Season #1

In this episode, we sit down with Aries Yeo, a former banking executive turned leadership coach, to discuss how her cultural background and upbringing make it often difficult for her to speak up. She provides insights into how her value of authenticity gives her the courage to overcome these cultural barriers and personal fears and enables her to engage in meaningful dialogues.

Key Takeaways:

  • Being authentic involves self-awareness and respect for others.
  • Cultural and personal backgrounds shape how we handle conversations.
  • Authentic communication requires acknowledging and embracing differences.
  • Self-love and self-acceptance are fundamental to being true to yourself.
  • Effective dialogue often begins with understanding others’ viewpoints.

Can you relate to her experience? What gives you the courage to speak up even when you as a child were discouraged to? How did you learn to find and own your voice?

If you have a personal story you would like to share with us, let us know

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Email: [email protected]

Chris –
Lucie –